Friday, November 30, 2007

Neighborhood Christmas Light Parade

Our Annual Light Parade around the block. We all sat on a trailer and sang Christmas carrols as we drove around the circle to see every one's Christmas lights. Afterward we went to the McSpadden's for donuts and hot chocolate.

Em & all the neighbor boys. She is the only girl in this neighborhood, but she doesn't seem to mind.

All of the girls sat around and made Christmas ornaments while the guys watched football. It was a mad house with 50 billion kids running every direction. We all had a great time!
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JaMie HeApS said...

what a fun tradition and a perfect house to have the shin dig at!!! and em love all the boys.... whoot who.

Kelly said...

How fun... some day I want to live in your neighborhood and join in on the fun! You know how to have fun!

Mindy said...

Kim-Your pictures turned out so much better than mine, I guess it was probably because I was wrestling with Ava the entire time (what a stinker)! Anyway I am so excited that you have a blog and I get to see all the pictures of your beautiful kids, they really are so cute and so funny! I am also glad to see that I am not the only one that spends most of my days cleaning up after little tornatos (love the post of Abby)!

Mindy said...

I meant the post of Lucy!! Sorry!!