Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Okay, Tanya this is for you! I guess better late then never. I have been tagged and I wasn't quite sure what that meant. Anyways, I think I pass it on. So Kelly, Jamie, Melisa, Both Hillary's, & Collett you're it!

What is in my purse? (This will be a boring one, for those of you that know me I am not a big purse person.

1. My lovely black wallet. (No cash as always & it has been known to be lost a time or two)
2. My check book.
3. A check written to me from the PTA.
4. An old grocery list.
5. Lots of old recipts. (not that I am keeping them for any reason, just garbage)
6. A blank video for my home video recorder. (It's been there since my girls last dance recital)
7. Sucker wrapper.

Thats it... nothing too exciting. I'm just happy that there is not a diaper or wipes in it for once!!

My Hubby
1. What is his name? Jason
2. How long have you been married? 11+ years
3. How long did you date? 2 1/2 years before his mission, and then we were married two months after he got home.
4. Who eats more sweets? ME! Jason perfers food to any treat. He would rather have meat and potatoes over chocolate cake. Isn't he crazy? I prefer to eat an entire cake!
5. Who said I love you first? He did.
6. Who is taller? Jason by about 7 inches.
7. Who can sing better? Neither of us have been blessed musically. But Jason sings a great National Anthem in the tub when he doesn't know anybody is listening!
8. Who is smarter? I'd have to say Jason has surpassed me in the smarts lately. I don't know what happens when you become a mom. But back in my day I'd have to admit I could whip his butt in any subject or on any test!
9. Who does the laundry? Of course me. Jason has never been that good at helping with the laundry. But he is great on the dishes.
10. Who pays the bills? Jason, thank heavens!
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Laying down, I sleep on the left. But last night Jason had us sleeping sideways to see if it was more comfortable (and it wasn't!) We hate our matress and we are willing to try anything to get a better nights sleep. I guess the answer is to cough up the money and buy a new one. (The one we have is only 2 years old.)
12. Who cooks dinner? Me!
13. Who drives? Always Jason.
14. Who is more stubborn? Definitely me!
15. Who kissed who first? He did and had to for the next 200 kisses.
16. Who asked who out first? Jason asked me to the Junior Prom for our first date.
17. Who proposed? He did.
18. Who wears the pants? I guess it depends on who you ask. I'd say him, he'd probablly try to tell you me, and Abbie says I am the boss, because I am the oldest. But we'd all agree that Lucy is the boss of our entire household.


Mindy said...

Ryan and I have been sitting here laughing, imagining you and Jason sleeping sideways in your bed! That is hilarious!

Tanya said...

Also laughing at two things: sleeping sideways in your bed and the roaring National Anthem in the tub! So fun to read, I know they sometimes aren't the funnest to do at the moment, but they are fun to read and then again remember later.

BenKels&kiddos said...

You have such an awesome family. Your blog looks so good! Thanks for setting a great example and stopping to see how I'm doing or give me a compliment whenever we run into each other.

Catherine said...

So cute! I love catching up on your family. Can't wait to get together next week. We have the same mattress woes. It made me smile :)

Lewis.Muriel.Lily said...

Love it Kim!!! I can just imagine you and Jason sleeping sideways in your bed!!! That is too funny! I miss you guys due to all these lame sicknesses that have been going around I have missed out on many family dinners! I miss you guys!

Melisa said...

Jay i just want to know why you choose to sing the National Anthem! I can just imagine that knowing the wonderful musical talent our family has! The mattress thing is dang funny! I know exactly what you are saying we have the same mattress.

JaMie HeApS said...

love the goods and i can so pic jason singing in the tub.

Kelly said...

Oh what a Fun post! I will work on getting mine up and filled out. Love hearing about Jay in tub I can so see him doing that... I love the sideways sleeping. That is so Jay. Heath and I got a good laugh at that one. Loved hearing about who wears the pants. And I was happy to hear you had a purse... I love You!

Palinista! said...

Let me recommend select comfort (the sleep number bed). I've never regretted that purchase for a second!

Hills said...

Hey I just made my blog private, but I still want everyone in our ward to still have access to it...if you'd like. So request to be added when you go to my blog next! Keepin' the crazies away! :)

jeannie said...

thanks for the cute comment. it was so fun seeing jamie. i love her so!! she is truly a one of a kind gal. i can't wait to meet you too and i told jamie we'll have to introduce our kids they are already so bored and need some new friends.