Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Max's Indy 500 Winner

The Pine Wood Derby is something these boys look forward to.
And a LOT of time was put into this beauty.
Max isn't allowed to touch it much but he did help with the awesome paint job and sand the wheels. He likes to stand out in the garage and watch his Dad at work.
Let's just say that the night before the race we were up until 2:00 AM while he worked his magic on his masterpiece and then came home a little early from work to give it some finishing touches. (And that was all after he had spent several nights with Max working in the garage.)
This is one of many times I am glad I am not a single mom. Thank heavens for Dads!

Max was proud of his car!
It didn't take first but it sure was FAST!!!


JaMie HeApS said...

way to go max. im kinda thinking jason liked it more than maz i can so picture him taking control adn loving it all.

Julie said...

I cannot tell you how happy Rod and I were not to have to worry about a car this year. After 9 cars, we needed a break for a few years. Way to go Max and Jason, the car looks awesome!!

Chuda's Charm said...

Kade was so excited to see those phots... looks like lots of fun! I know alot of time... effort, love and planning went into that lil car.
opps this is from Kelly

Gwen said...

Now nice for me to have shared in the fun night for awhile. Max you and your Dad are a great team! So sorry to have dragged you away Kim. Matt isn't the least bit interested in the big Donald's hair do. So I think we are out of business. But it was fun to see that moving thing outside of Leslie's house. Do you think you and I could figure out how to make one? I always love any time with you!