Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lucky Lucy

Uncle Bret gave Lucy the nickname "Lucky"

(Here is a cute conversation I had with Lucy.)

Lucy: "Is today Green Eggs and Ham Day?" (We have been reading Dr. Seuss)
Me: "Yes, today is St. Patrick's Day."
Lucy: "Mom, I don't want to get my eye's pinched!"
Me: "What do you mean? Why would somebody pinch your eyes?"
Lucy: "I have green eyes and I don't want anybody to pinch them."

Lucy brings our family lots of Luck and Laughter!!
Lucky us!


Michelle said...

SHE is just too adorable for words!!!


That is so cute and she is such a cutie! I miss having her in nursery!

Gwen said...

Lucky Lucy. . . the tongue reminds me of Grandpa Bowden. Lucy, I am glad you tend baby Jayne while your mom takes a shower each morning. I hear you can get her to sleep so good. I LOVE LUCY!

Kelly said...

What a darling photo of her! I would be worried to Celebrate green eggs and ham day if I thought my eyes woudl get pinched too! Lucky fits her just PERFECT! LOVE YOU LUCKY LUCY!

Nicole said...


The next time I see you I am going to pinch your eyes, and your bum. You better watch out.

Love, Uncle Bret

JaMie HeApS said...

bret dose know how to work the kids in with some good nick names. lucy i hope no one pinched your gorgouse green eyes. we love you

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

how could you have a smile like Lucy and not be LUCKY!

Melisa said...

Lucy your are so LUCKY! and such a cutie! Annie loved you singing to her thanks so much! We Love You!!!