Today was the long awaited day to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. The girls were all hoping for another sister and Max of course has been literally praying for a brother for the past 5 years.

All day I couldn't help but worry about how Max was going to take the news of another girl in our family. I'd have to say that he loves his 3 sisters more than anything in the world. He is such a great brother and considers each of his sisters as his best friends. But he has had his heart set on having a little brother for quite sometime!!! So I tried to make a celebration out of the news to try to soften any disappointments. The kids all ran inside after school yelling "what is it?" And when Max saw the pink balloons the tears came. The girls all jumped up and down cheering and he just crumbled to the ground. I took him in the other room and tried to explain how he must be an extra special brother to come to a home with all girls. And told him that he was put in this family to help take care of all of us girls. I told him how they sent me the very best boy in heaven because they knew that he might be our only boy. After several minutes of talking he wiped off his tears and said "that's okay, Mom." I will still love her.
After dinner and football we made cookies and sat around the table and tried to come up with some names for our new little girl. And of course toasted to another healthy baby!!
Now we are gearing up for more pink, bows, dolls, princess dress-ups, nail polish, ballet shoes and many more dance recitals. And of course a house full of drama. Aren't we lucky?!!!
Hi Kim! I hopped on tonight to see if there was any news. Yeah! How exciting for you guys!!!! Congratulations:) I'm excited to buy baby girl stuff for her! Alissa (and Dresden:)
Congrats! I hope you are feeling better(not so sick!)
congratulations I didn't even know. I hope you are feeling ok, you know Dr. W he doesn't believe in that medicine! good luck. Hang in there max!
Congrats! Didn't even know you were expecting! You hide it well! How cute is Max? And all the stuff you told him is probably totally tru. What a good kid!
I am so happy for you. It is probably so neat to experience both sex. We of course will never know what it is like to have a girl!! WHo is your doctor? I was going to Woolsey and then swithced. Call me sometime! It is so nice to talk to someone else who is pregnant. I am still having a rough time! But I am half way done!! Hope you are feeling good!
When you have girls that are as dang cute as yours, of course you are happy (and lucky) to get another one. Oh, I just felt so sad for Max, but yes, what a special kid in a special family! Maybe there is a brother in the future? Ha.
us heaps are so jelouse. how lucky you all are too get another girl. maxy you'll have to come down here to get you boy dosage and ill trade you for a little girl time. can't waite for her to come, lets here the names.
What a LUCKY Family... to be blessed with another girl. Good thing you two make such CUTE girls! Ok so I just read that post and am crying after reading and feeling those same feelings myself... Where are those dang boys hiding? What a blessing we are to have the boys we have... They both are such perfect brothers to there sisters. Give them a few years and they will be Thanking us for the "Hook Up" of girls... They will never be with out a date!! They will be Awesome husbands cause they know just how to treat girls! This just means we need to move home live close and let the boys get plenty of boy time!! We are so Excited for you all! Hip Hip Hooray for the Miller Princess! Maizie has been so excited she keeps telling me this means I have and then start counting all the girl cousins.. another friend. SO FUN!
Smiles all around!
Congrats! That is so exciting. All of your girls are so beautiful, I can't wait to see what this one will look like, and what a lucky girl to have such a cute big brother!
Oh Max, the best things in life don't always seem the best rigtht at first. You are going to be the most loved and pampered brother ever. Little girls adore their brothers. You will always be the brave one and the most handsome and athletic one in their eyes. You are truely lucky! Kim you have a gorgeous dark head, a bodaious blond, and a curly doll, I am betting on a red head. You have always wanted one of those. What ever--- you a blessed. And I think you are the brave one to face each day with its new challange. Happy Motherhood. Oh and Happy Birthday almost! xoxox
Such a sweet post! What a tender moment to share with such a special boy. I certainly don't know how you do it! One girl is way more than I can handle. Congratulations and tell Max he can come hang out at our house-full-of-boys anytime he'd like!
Congrats!! Max is such a little sweetheart! I never got my sister either...that must mean we are both pretty special!! LOL!
So excited for you guys!! =]
We are so excited for you guys! Any names picked out yet? We are so excited to have another neice to play with!
congrats! I got a little teary thinking of little Max and his heart being broken at first but what a champ to buck up and be happy about it. what a little stud! his sisters are going to be very protective of their one dear brother.
Can't wait to see another Miller beauty. Yeah, another sweetie for Chubs to date. I'm already pimping him out and he's got Alivia and now little Bailey :). I never got why my bro was such a baby about having all sisters, I had no patience for him and thought he was so spoiled. Now he loves it cuz we're all so cool :).
Speaking of Max, dang he is doing so well at football. It's fun to watch him run the ball, he's getting faster and faster. I think I hate seeing him get hit almost as much as you do, eeeek. I'm glad that tough lil Q.B. is on our team!! :)
HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Hope you are having a wonderful day! We love you!
Hey Kim,
Happy Birthday!
I tried to comment a few days ago, but couldn't get it to work. I'm so so excited to hear that you are expecting another little girl! You have such a beautiful family! You and Jason look way too young to be the parents of these kids that seem to be growing up so FAST! I never found the right time to call today, so I thought I'd leave you a note here. I've been thinking about you all day. I hope you had a great birthday and are feeling well enough to enjoy it. I can't believe we're all getting so old! :) Chris told me last night that we are in the "real" part of life now. I guess the part before this was preparing for it and the part after will be remembering it. Some days I hope that my best memories won't be changing diapers and carpooling, but I do think this is a special time of life. You guys seem to be living it and loving every moment. I'll call you soon.
Congrats! That's a cute and sad story about MAx! He is so cute! I love that you guys toasted to it!
Oh Kim congrats to you and your family! Max is very lucky to be with all girls. I come from a family of 4 girls and 1 boy myself, and man...that boy is so well taken care of he may never marry. Or we'll just sabotage it because no one will ever be quite as good as we all think he deserves. But you never no what the future will bring, perhaps there's still a chance. Your are such a Super Mom you could handle just one more! ;)
Hey...I just saw you blog for the first time...congratulations! Max reminds me of me when I got my fourth brother with no sisters at the time...I found out he was a boy when he was born and I was so sad I cried because I wanted a sister...but my dad talked me into how special it would be because I could be the first to hold him. I still wanted a I reminded my parents every day after that until I got her! :) Funny memory. Tell Em we are going to make caramel now that it's the holidays...she'll have to help us eat it! I always think of her when we make it.
Luv you guys, Ali Darrington
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