Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Diaper Free

This little girl woke up last Monday morning and told me that she was ready to be potty trained. (I have been asking her for months but she would always tell me that it was too hard!) So of course the minute she was ready I jumped on it and put a pair of underwear on her and she hasn't worn a diaper since. In fact she NEVER had one single accident... even throughout the night. I guess she wanted to do things on HER terms, which is so JAYNE!!

Jason calculated that I have changed over 14,000 diapers throughout my years as a mom. I've been changing diapers for almost 14 years now, so this is kinda a BIG DEAL!!!....

But to tell you the truth, I've had mixed emotions....

Maybe diaper changing isn't so bad after all, if it means having a little one in the house.


Michelle said...

14,000?? Sheesh. That really puts things into perspective for all us Moms out there. We are A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ... and a half!! :)

Love the cute little undees girl. I can't believe she's growing up so quick! Time flies.

Love your cute family!

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh.. what a happy day yet makes my heart hurt! I feel your pain... I havent been changing diapers for a few year and although it has been nice.. my heart aches for a lil one!
Jayne way to go! You are sooo CUTE!
I think the diaper fund money should go directly into a new shirt fund for you! I love you!

Kelly said...

Leave it to Jay to count up the diapers! love it!

Kelly said...
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oodlesofoversons said...

Congrats!!! Wait...since when does Jason calculate?

Gwen said...

Oh do I love that cute little smurky face! She is one in a million. I know why Jason is so crazy about her. No diapers. That is a big deal!!! No baby not so great. But I think Jayne is always going to be Baby Jayne, even when she is 16. When I don't get to see you in a week, there is an empty place. . . I'm glad it is Thanksgiving this week. Don't know what I was thinking about the fruit salad, your family doesn't like that kind. Bring any kind they like. I love you Kim. Hope tomorrow will be a good Sunday. P.S. Jayne is a hero!

JaMie HeApS said...

jayne you are a big girl!!!! im so proud of you!!
and kim i think you should be celebrating... it wont be to long till you have to change jays :) enjoy the free time!!!

Anonymous said...

So love to shove my balls down your little girls throat