And when she is not in school we have a lot of quality one on one time.
A lot of her little buddies started Kindergarten this year so she is always wanting mom to keep her entertained. This is the crown we painted today.
It is what consumes most of our time right now.... and we LOVE it!
Go Vikings!!!
Lucy... You are sooo CUTE! Your teacher is sooo LUCKY to have you in her class. I love your Hat... Beautiful!
Max... you look awfully TOUGH playing ball. You and your Dad are handsome Dudes! I can see it know Kade Thompson adn Max Miller playing for BYU! That would be Awesome!
love you guys!
I love the crown. I wonder if Ethan wants to paint one while Syd & Drew are at school...
Max is such a cute superstar!
Dear Lucy,
I'll play with you tomorrow, you laugh like a witch, I love Lucy Goosey, I want to be best friends forever, I like to ride bikes with you, the pink scooter is Meagan's, I like it when you do weird stuff to make me laugh. You are cool, I like how you color, and running in the sprinklers and jumping on the tramp with you.
Silly Millie
lucy you lucky girl you get to go to miss misty dax is so jelouse and wishes he could be in your class. give zoe a hug for us. maxy football season is the best, we hope you have a killer season.
So cute! Lucy is so beautiful! I love her sparkly eyes! Max looks awesome, We don't play you guys until the end of the season, I have to admit, I hate the stress of football. Tyler doesn't feel it, just mom. Oh well.
Lucy I Love the crown so beutiful!!! and Football season is so fun and Max you are one AWESOME quarter back and your LUCKY to have such an AWESOME coach!!!!
Lucy. Is. Gorgeous!!!
Go Max Go!!
Lucy you look so grown up. . . no way. You are beautiful! I bet you keep your pure-school hopping. Max you are so lucky to have your Dad for your coach. I have to get Grandpa to one of your games. We are proud of you! We love it when you call us and tell us about your games. Got to love these fall days and the football games! Love all the Millers!
I love that first picture of Max playing football. Cool shot!
Lucy is so funny! I can't believe she's that big already.
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