Friday, January 19, 2007

The Miller Family

Max-is 6 and started Kindergarten this year. He loves to go to school with all of his buddies. He has a million friends and wants to play 24-7. Max is a gymnast and can back flip on the tramp like a pro. He also is a great reader and tries hard at everything he does. Max is such a good boy!! He is always trying to do what is right and is our mild mannered child. It's not easy being in a house full of girls all of the time but Max is the best brother anyone could ask for!!! His sisters all LOVE him! Luckily he has his Dad to wrestle with and play basketball with. We feel so lucky to have him for our boy!!!!

Abbie - is 4 and is "miss personality." Her smile lights up our house and and she keeps us on our toes. We call her sunshine. She is the first one awake every morning and makes our home happy! She loves to go to preschool, dance, play with her friends and work on art projects. She seems to have more energy and confidence then all the rest of us combined. We just never know what she is going to do and say. Thank Heavens for Abbie!!!!

Lucy - is 18 months old and is at such a fun age. She is learning so much and growing too fast! She is our little tornado! She is into every cupboard, every toilet, and keeps us running every second of the day. She spends most of her day on top of the counters because she climbs everything and likes to be up high enough where she can see everything that is going on. She thinks she is as big as the rest of the kids and loves to dance and play everything they do. She waits all day for her buddies to get home from school to play with her. Her favorite things are animals, her Barney videos, Hershey Kisses, and her ba ba. She makes our family happy!Posted by Picasa


JaMie HeApS said...

im ready for laguna beach right now. those pics are just tempting me.

Kelly said...

Oh, I miss all you monkeys!!! Your Thompson cousins, aunt and uncle sure love you! We love seeing all the fun photos keep it up!