Things to Remember:
* All of my kids on the tube at one time.
* Our nights together in our tent telling stories.
* Jason and Max's late night swims
*Jayne scaling the boat in 5 second flat and sitting right on top of the cover.
*Lucy's explaining the signal for "medium" speed over and over.
*Abbie being a trooper about her ear ache.
*Emilee telling us that she needs to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes so she can take the scooter.
*Ice Cream at the store.
*Smores and homemade ice cream around the campfire
*Being packed in Jason's truck like sardines on the ride there.
*Jayne didn't eat one thing except for oreos and coke.
* Lucy being so worried about showing her friends at home her hair and not wanting to get it wet. (Thanks Melisa!)
* Watching my kids knee board in pairs.
*Jason as the Su Chef and Em as his prep cook.
* Having everyone dressed for bed like it was December. And of course everyone complained about how hot they were and were taking off layers.
*Having Jason away from work and the kids all to ourselves!!!