Field Day is one of our favorite days of the year.
After all we are Millers and we are just a bit competitive.
She has been preparing and training for months now for the big mile marathon.
She is fast as lightening and was READY!
The morning of she woke up early and was ready to compete. I must of heard her say 20 times I have got to win! I know I can do it.
So this picture is her lined up with her friends ready for the whistle to blow.
There are millions of kids lined up in one spot. All the 4th - 6th Graders race against each other at the same time. So when the whistle blows it is chaotic to say the least.
Just seconds off the starting line Jason and I see Emilee fall down hard. I couldn't even believe it! In that moment I knew the devastation that was going to follow. She stood up with tears in her eyes and bloody knees, not knowing quite what to do. She started walking over to us but there were still millions of kids trying to run by and she couldn't' really get to us. Her Dad yelled "It's okay Emilee you can still do it." She hesitated for just a second seeing everyone way in front of her and then took off. I started to cry feeling so bad -knowing how much this meant to her.
She ran her little heart out- bruised and scraped and way behind.
But she gave it her best and ended up coming in 5th place out of all the girls.
She was hurting and so disappointed.
But I was so PROUD of her! She didn't give up. It didn't turn out the way she had hoped but she did her best and gave it everything she had.
Jason had to take her to the Insta Care where she had to get 5 stitches.
She was so brave! The only thing she was worried about was missing out on the rest of the races and activities. She just kept saying..."I can't miss my relays!"
After she was cleaned up and stitched she headed back for the rest of the field day fun.
I love you Emilee!
You truly are a real WINNER to me!
Her cute teacher snuck her a medal anyway and told her that he knew she would of won a medal anyway and that she deserved it.
Then it was the K-3rd Grade Race.
Last year he took a 3rd place medal and this year he had his mind set on 1st.
This is him just about to cross the finish line.
The girl in front of him just popped out of the crowd and joined the race in the last minute.
But don't worry he still wasn't going to let her cross first. He put on his wheels and zoomed in first place. The other man next to him is the principal.
Way to Go MAX!!!
I love your determination!!!!
Abbie and Max were in the same race.
Abbie is the one that always reminds us that the race is just for fun!
She did have fun and ran her best!
She got a ribbon for being one of the first (of ? so many) girls finished.
Abbie you are AWESOME and were definately the cutest runner there!
She didn't just buy one snow cone...she needed one for each hand.
She was ready for her turn!
She sang her little heart out and told us that when she grows up she wants to be a skater.