Twelve years ago today my life was changed forever!!!!
This beautiful girl has filled it full of such happiness.
She has been my guinea pig as I have blindly been learning how to be a mother, and she has taught me so much along the way.
I joke that I could give her her own apartment and a set of keys to a car and she could take care of herself. She sets her own alarm each day and is up before any of the rest of us. She gets herself completely ready, does all of her homework without being asked and gets straight A's. She is an incredible little cook, and does her own laundry a lot of the time. She helps take care of all of her brother and sisters and steps in as a second Mom all the time.
Emilee is so excited to be going into Young Women's, Junior High, and is constantly reminding me that she is not a little girl anymore. Last Saturday my Mom, Emilee, and I got to go to the General Young Women's Conference up at the Conference Center and it was so fun to have her there with us.
"Did you get your warm up's on?"
Crazy Hair Day
Kisses from her Dad
Kisses from her Dad
And a birthday lunch date from her Mom.
And Emilee has filled if full of happy days and memories ever since!
I love you Emilee!!!
Happy Birthday! May the next 12 years go much slower!!