If I could give the world a gift....
I would wish that everyone could have a daughter like Emilee!
She would be very responsible and could tend for you anytime you needed. If you needed to run to the store - no problem.
If you wanted to go on a date for the weekend you would know that your kids would be in good hands!
She would make your house happy and fun and would always have something crazy up her sleeve. (Even if it did involve some top secret doorbell ditching.)
You wouldn't have to ask her to do her homework because she would already have it done.
She would do a fabulous job with all of her school projects and get straight A's.
(Doesn't she make a cute Amelia Earhart?)
She would be your best friend and tell you everything.
She could read your mind and know when she needed to jump in and help with something extra.
Sunday Mornings she could help hold the baby as you shower, help bathe the other kids, do her sisters hair, pack the church bag, and even help you pick out an outfit to wear when you are frustrated about your clothes situation. And don't be surprised if your church shoes are set out waiting for you right by the door as you leave.
She would be a great example and big sister to the whole family!
If only there were more Emilee's in this world to go around.
And I guess if she can't be in every one's family, I am sure glad that she is in mine.!! Someone must of known that I needed a best little buddy to help me through each day. Thank Heavens she was sent to me!
I love you Emilee... more than you will ever know!
Happy Birthday!!!