Tuesday, March 31, 2009


If I could give the world a gift....

I would wish that everyone could have a daughter like Emilee!

She would dazzle you with all of her many talents.

She would be very responsible and could tend for you anytime you needed. If you needed to run to the store - no problem.
If you wanted to go on a date for the weekend you would know that your kids would be in good hands!

She would make your house happy and fun and would always have something crazy up her sleeve. (Even if it did involve some top secret doorbell ditching.)

You wouldn't have to ask her to do her homework because she would already have it done.

She would do a fabulous job with all of her school projects and get straight A's.

(Doesn't she make a cute Amelia Earhart?)

She would be your best friend and tell you everything.

She could read your mind and know when she needed to jump in and help with something extra.

Sunday Mornings she could help hold the baby as you shower, help bathe the other kids, do her sisters hair, pack the church bag, and even help you pick out an outfit to wear when you are frustrated about your clothes situation. And don't be surprised if your church shoes are set out waiting for you right by the door as you leave.

She would be a great example and big sister to the whole family!

If only there were more Emilee's in this world to go around.

And I guess if she can't be in every one's family, I am sure glad that she is in mine.!! Someone must of known that I needed a best little buddy to help me through each day. Thank Heavens she was sent to me!
I love you Emilee... more than you will ever know!
Happy Birthday!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blessing Day

March 29, 2009

Could Max be any luckier?
4 Sisters to love and be loved by.

And can these 5 really be mine?

The best gift you can give a girl is a Sister!

Jayne, we are so glad that you gave us a reason to celebrate and have all of our family together for your special day!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lucky Lucy

Uncle Bret gave Lucy the nickname "Lucky"

(Here is a cute conversation I had with Lucy.)

Lucy: "Is today Green Eggs and Ham Day?" (We have been reading Dr. Seuss)
Me: "Yes, today is St. Patrick's Day."
Lucy: "Mom, I don't want to get my eye's pinched!"
Me: "What do you mean? Why would somebody pinch your eyes?"
Lucy: "I have green eyes and I don't want anybody to pinch them."

Lucy brings our family lots of Luck and Laughter!!
Lucky us!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Griswald Saturday

Saturday morning we woke up and Jason had this great idea to hike the Y. Of course I was a little skeptical telling him that it was too cold and too hard with Jayne and Lucy. But if you know Jason, when he gets something in his mind he doesn't change it. I call him Clark Griswald at times because when he gets determined nobody better stand in his way. So yesterday we all loaded in the car by 9:00 a.m. and off we went.

When we got to the parking lot the temperature gage in the car read 36 degrees. I was complaining the whole ride there and kept telling him that nobody hikes the Y when there is snow capped mountains and Arctic temperatures. It didn't stop us.

Jason carried Jayne in a back pack and the rest of us set off for our family hike. The sun came out and it was so beautiful. I was surprised at how many other people were out hiking too. I will have to say that we all had a great time and it turned out to be one of the funnest Saturdays we've had in a long time!

We bundled up Jayne and she loved sleeping right up next to her Dad!

Check out the snow.
Max ran all the way to the top like it was nothing!
Abbie was not far behind.

Lucy and I brought up the Caboose. I was so proud of little Lucy! She just kept up and didn't complain a bit. Max stayed with her all the way back down. She had so much fun and was so excited to make it to the top all by herself. But you should see her today. She walked in to my bedroom this morning and said " Mom I think I broke my legs." She has been hobbling all day long and can barely walk. I hate to say it but I know how she feels. My legs are a little sore too! She's had Jason and I laughing all day because she hopped around church on one foot. Poor Girl. Maybe I was right, it might have been a stretch to have a 3 year old hiking that far.
But Lucy says she'd like to do it again.
She must get her determination from her Dad.
Thanks Clark for the fun Saturday outing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lucy sets me straight!

Thank Heavens for Children!!
After a day with all of my kids home from school, I was cleaning up dinner, helping with homework, and bouncing Jayne trying to keep her happy. Jason worked late and wasn't home yet. I was frustrated to say the least and wasn't being the most patient mom!! Lucy walked in the kitchen and said to me "Mom, Jesus loves you and Jesus is always nice to you, so why are you always so honery and mad at me?" What could I say to that?
It's a good things we have kids to teach us when we need it most!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

If you stop by my house and see laundry in piles, toys on the floor, and everything out of place it is because I have been busy. Busy holding and loving this little one. I can't seem to get enough of her!! I could stay in my pajamas all day long with her in my arms and I would be perfectly content.
I was telling my mom how I am having such a hard time thinking that this is my last baby. She sent me this quote which pretty much sums up my feelings right now. The thought of Jayne being my last little baby is breaking my heart. I have loved the years I have had having children. I love being a mom and especially having a brand new little baby around. Every time I change that little bum, or get her in the bath I start to cry. I pray the time will slow down. Meanwhile I am just going to enjoy every second of each day!!!
I love you Jayne!
"A first child is your own best foot forward, and how you do cheer those little feet as they strike out. You examine every turn of flesh for precocity, and crow it to the world. But the last one: the baby who trails her scent like a flag of surrender through your life when there will be no more coming after--oh, that's love by a different name. She is the babe you hold in your arms for an hour after she's gone to sleep. If you put her down in the crib, she might wake up changed and fly away. So instead you rock by the window, drinking the light from her skin, breathing her exhaled dreams. You heart bays to the double crescent moons of closed lashes on her cheeks. She's the one you can't put down.
My baby, my blood, my honest truth; entreat me not to leave thee, for whither thou goest I will go. Where I lodge, we lodge together. Where I die you'll be buried at last. A mother's body remembers her babies--the folds of soft scalp against her nose. Each child has its own entreaties to body and soul."

And it's not just me that is crazy about her. We fight over who gets to hold her and the girls beg to sleep with her at night.
How fun it is to have a new little angel in our home!